Saturday, October 8, 2011

Pre-departure Nerves

Went to bed early and slept ok until about 330am and then stared at the ceiling for an hour before getting up. I'm not used to the feeling of butterflies that is currently occupying my stomach, which is accompanied by my inability to focus on anything. Looked at the paper, paid some bills online, walked around the kitchen a million times trying to make sure I've crossed my T's and dotted my I's. Gwen, I know that is the incorrect use of apostrophes but it looks funny the other way ;)
Many people lose themselves after having kids because they give up everything they are/were to make their kids the focus. I firmly believe in not giving up who I am just because I have kids. My kids complete who I am, having kids was part of my hope for my life, but it does not negate who I was before having them or what interests I have. Do my kids come first? Absolutely. Are they the most important thing in my life? Yep. I would do anything for them. I just think you can be BOTH a person and a parent. Is it such a bad example to set to go on this trip? I don't think so. It is not a case of Mom being gone for a month, yet rather a case of how the kids will survive with the help and kindness and love of their extended family, friends, neighbors, and community. It is an extrodinary gift that I am able to make this journey, I know that. Everybody's going to be just fine.

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